ABCD problem
This question is taken from Art of Problem Solving. The question asks us:
Can you find a four-digit number ABCD satisfying ABCD = C * D^A?
With 4 variables that could range from 0-9 (except A), it is obvious that we should try to reduce the solution space. By spotting that the value ABCD is mostly determined by D^A, the number of possible pairs (D, A) is greatly reduced by limiting it between 999 < D^A < 10,000. Then, the number of possible values of C for each pair (D, A) is further reduced. Then the solution space is small enough for simple brute force checking.
Instead, we can brute force check every single possible 4 digit number to see if the equation holds. First, enumerate all the possibilities. One way to do this is through nesting 4 for loops, but recursion can provide more concise code (No efficiency improvements though, since the number of distinct 4 digit numbers is constant, and each number is checked).
permutations = []
def permute(currentpermutation, length):
if length == 0:
for num in range(0, 10):
if num not in currentpermutation:
permute(currentpermutation, length-1)
permute([], 4)
The length variable allows us to generalize to n-digit numbers shall we ever need it. Then we just have to check if the equation is satisfied for each possibility.
for permutation in permutations:
num = permutation[0] * 1000 + permutation[1] * 100 + permutation[2] * 10 + permutation[3]
if num == permutation[2] * (permutation[3] ** permutation[0]):
The python code correctly outputs 4375, the only solution to the equaion.